Republic of Botswana
Ministry of Health

    If your certificate have incorrect details, eg. misspelt name, missing doses etc., then do either one of the following:

  1. Take your blue vacination card and visit nearest health facility (CLINIC OR DHMT) for assistance
  2. Call your nerby health facility (CLINIC OR DHMT) for assistance


FRANCISTOWN - 2413808 / 229 CHARLESHILL - 6592279 MABUTSANE - 5889057
NORTH EAST - 2489173 MASUNGA HOSPITAL - 2489633 BOBIRWA- 2601987
BOTETI - 2976172 KGALAGADI SOUTH - 6547846 CHOBE - 6250799 / 6251210
SELEBI PHIKWE - 2620006 MMADINARE- 2617236 SEROWE - 4620352
PALAPYE - 4920650 MAHALAPYE - 4710569 KGATLENG -5443945
KANYE - 5443945 GABORONE - 3905792